Exhibit Supply 1948 Page 5 Wanted Men Of Vision Exhibit Supply Book, Exhibit Cards 1949, Exhibit Cards For 1952, Exhibit Cards For 1953, Exhibit Advertising Poster, Exhibit De Luxe Arcade Equipment Poster, Exhibit Newest Machines 1946, Exhibit Machine Made The Penny Famous, Lagoon Amusement Concessions Company Catalog, Sicking Manufacturing, True Man's Magazine by Mutoscope, Mike Munves Catalog and Supplements for 1939, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1960, 1961, 1962.The Catalog of the Unified Machine, 1937. Mike Munves 1942 Profits In Pennies Book, Mike Munves Assorted Fliers and Price Lists, Joe Munves 1949 Parts Catalog, Chicago Coin Parts and Supplies Catalog 1948, 1950 その他、数え切れないほどたくさんあります。